Friday, April 04, 2008

I was sitting on the couch nursing Kate yesterday when the boys disappeared for a few minutes and things got quiet (never a good thing). Pretty soon, I heard the two of them marching down the hallway chanting "kill the beast". A side note: This occurs on a regular basis at our house ever since we watched "Beauty and the Beast". My boys love this "princess" movie only for Gaston leading the townspeople in a quest to find and kill the beast. Anyway, here they came in their regular fashion marching in time and pumping their fists in the air chanting in a deep, funny voice, "KILL THE BEAST!" When they rounded the corner, I noticed they had weapons - tampons! Luke's still had the little string hanging off the end of his. I watched as these tampons morphed from spears for combating the beast, then into swords for a quick sword fight, and finally into guns. I was sitting in a war zone as the boys ran up and down the hallway "shooting" each other. Just imagine the sounds of combat:
pweeew, pweeew, pweeew!

I can't wait for the day I can go shopping with Kate!


Abby said...

Oh, that is hilarious!!!!

Kelli said...

What a great story!! They will be embarrassed about that one someday. Glad you have a little girl amongst your wonderful boys. By the way, your house is beautiful!

jeileenbaylor said...

hilarious story!

Don & Katrina Hines said...

Oh my goodness! Your life absolutely cracks me up! I just love the fun of it all! And great pics to boot! You're my hero, Carissa!

Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie said...

You just gave me a good belly laugh, Carissa. So hilarious. Is Ben a little worried??? :)

Beth said...

ok- that's got to be the best story I've "seen" in a while! thanks for the laugh.

Beth said...

oh- isn't it hard w #3 when you're nursing? My poor Kate was picked up and put down so fast and so much! You just get all set up when something terrible happens around the corner- it always happens that way- they just wait for you to sit down

Karis said...

Oh, Carissa! That is so funny. I am so glad you shared that laugh with us. I know you had to be chuckling about it all day long.

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you shared this - I really needed a good laugh like that!!! How great that you have pictures. Future "blackmail" is always a good idea.

The Santimaw's said...

That is absolutely hilarious! I laughed so hard. I can honestly say my boys have never done that here at our house. It's true that boys will come up with the strangest things to make a gun or a sword from and that one tops them all. Ethan and Luke are definitely very creative!!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

I am smiling! I love the one of the wounded soldier laying over the pillow on the couch. Those tampons can really pack a punch =)