Monday, June 15, 2009

Slicker Than a Greased Pig






Last week Ben was out with the boys, I was playing on our computer, and KATE...
Ben thought I was watching her
I thought she was outside with Ben

Actually, she was in our bathroom greasing herself up with 3/4 of a container of Vaseline.  Not only was Vaseline 1/4" thick over her ENTIRE body, it was also all over the floor, all the drawers and doors, toothbrushes, deodorant, my brush...etc.

Oh my!  I seriously did not know where to start!
So here she is happy as a lark, a greasy lark!
Rub, a dub, a scrub, scrub, scrub!!
She's had greasy hair and silky soft skin for a week!

As for my bathroom???
Anyone know where I can get a new bathroom rug  on sale??